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  • Writer's pictureGeorgina Knock

Inside KisanHub | Q&A with Simon Slack

Welcome to Inside KisanHub, a selection of interviews with the talented people behind the KisanHub Platform. This month Georgie Knock asked Simon, our Customer Success Manager, a few questions about his role at KisanHub. Hit play to hear the audio version below, or read the interview underneath:

Hello! To kick things off please can you each tell us a little bit about yourself and explain your role at KisanHub?

Hello, I’m Simon and I’m a customer success manager primarily looking after our UK customers. My role is to be the voice of the customer, feeding back their needs to our team and ensuring they are receiving the support and tools they need to achieve their goals. I also help customers with onboarding and training requirements.

What are you working on right now and what will this mean for our customers?

We have re-introduced something called Beamer to our platform which is a great way of communicating updates and helpful information with our user base. I’m working on sharing some updates through that at the moment which will give a greater understanding of some of our modules and the functionality it gives them.

What three words would you use to describe KisanHub?

Quick, simple, standardised

Why do you think standardised is important?

A lot of people will be used to various ways of receiving information such as email and WhatsApp so for us to offer a clear and more precise way of seeing data through the supply chain, I think that’s invaluable.

What do you most enjoy about being part of the KisanHub team?

I really like the rapport I have with colleagues and the culture at KisanHub.

You’ve previously worked in the agricultural industry, what motivated you to move to a tech startup?

The opportunity to be a part of something that’s providing real results and solutions to an industry I already had experience with and the growth KisanHub has had in such a short space of time really drew me in.

You have a background in FMCG, how does this help your projects?

KisanHub’s mantra of “Connected from seed to sale” really resonates with me as ultimately it is about nurturing crops from all sides to get the best out of them, which will make its way onto someone’s dining table at the end. Understanding the needs and intricacies of each stage to get to that endpoint allows me to help not just our customers but the grower network behind our customer base.

What sources do you look for inspiration?

I follow great leadership speakers like Gary Vee and Simon Sinek but also find a lot of useful information on customer success from the team over at NuffSaid that gathers insight from many people within the customer success world

Do you have a work mantra that you go by?

I’ve always followed something that Simon Sinek said and it really stuck with me. “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it and what you do simply proves what you believe.”

Finally, as a tech startup working in the agri-food industry, do you have a favourite vegetable/fruit?

I like anything with raspberries in it, the combination of sweet and sharp works so well in so many desserts. I particularly like Scottish raspberries as I believe that’s where the best raspberries in the world come from.

Thank you Simon for your time and for doing the first audio version of this Q&A series!

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